❮ Projects page Port Discovery Children’s Museum

Spatial Analysis Project:

Port Discovery Children’s Museum is supported by a mix of earned income and donations. Our audience includes both those who “pay their way,” as well as those who receive free or reduced access (both individuals and school groups) as part of our mission to provide access to all children regardless of ability to pay.

Our project will involve analysing these multiple audiences based on geographical location, income levels, education, and presence of children to identify new markets for earned income and donations, as well as underserved low-income areas who can benefit from outreach and access programs.

Data available:

Port Discovery possesses zip code data on general admissions, as well as full address data on members, donors, and school groups. Information on income levels, education and presence of children for various zip code locations is available and downloadable from the 2010 United States Census Bureau online Fact Finder website. Information on location of schools and accredited pre-K and day-care programs is available from the Maryland State Department of Education.

Maps and Reports that will be created:

  • Regular Admission attendees (daily ticket purchasers)
  • Reduced Admission attendees (daily ticket purchasers)
  • Members
  • Donors
  • Reports/maps that analyze each audience/group in relation to the education level, income and presence of children for the geographic area.
  • Reports/map illustrating the location of schools and pre-K/daycare centers visiting Port Discovery.
  • Reports/maps that analyze school/pre-K/day-care visitation in relation to educational level, income and presence of children in the geographical area, as well as identifying potential low-income school/pre-K/day-care centers which could benefit from outreach programs (i.e. not currently visiting due to geographic or economic constraints).

How the maps and reports will be used:

Our goal with this project is to better understand various constituents and how to serve the area more effectively through appropriate marketing and/or outreach. Ideally, this project will allow us to:

  • Identify low-income geographic areas, based on demographics, where marketing of access programs should be increased
  • Identify underserved schools/pre-K/day-care centers that could benefit from outreach programs
  • Identify geographic areas, based on demographics, where general marketing should be increased
  • Identify communities of potential donors
Shortlist year 2014
Category Arts & Culture
Until next time

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