❮ Projects page Urban Releaf

Spatial Analysis Project:

We would like to map and analyze disparate data sets including CalEPA Enviroscreen 2.0 results, overlay these with tree canopy cover data, then identify areas of highest need.

Data available:

Urban Releaf has access to TCC data for the city of Oakland and will seek access to TCC data for the County of Alameda. Public health data and demographic data necessary to complete this project is readily available from the County of Alameda GIS data portals, CalEPA EnviroScreen 2.0 and demographic data are available through the US Census Bureau.

Maps and Reports that will be created:

We should be able to supply the following information from this project:

  • City wide map of priority areas
  • Statistics of current tree canopy
  • Reports to prioritize the planting and maintenance of trees

How the maps and reports will be used:

Urban Releaf will use the project maps and reports to support Oakland’s efforts to communicate priorities to policymakers, funders and Oakland Million Tree Initiative partners.

Shortlist year 2015
Category Environment & Ecosystems
Until next time

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